Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hearing Voices of Power

This past week, I have had the incredible honor of hearing two amazing world renowned speakers share their ideas of living a life of Christianity in this world today.  These two speakers, Dr. Ravi Zacharias and Dr. Bernice A. King (daughter of Coretta Scoot King and Martin Luther King Jr.), are two of the leading voice in Christianity today.  Being in their presence made me have an immense feeling of awe and respect; both of these speakers have been blessed by God to have the Holy Spirit flow through them whenever they speak.  All I can say is that these two both speak with power that can only come from God. I feel so honored for the opportunity to have heard them and I wanted to share a little of what they said.  Know that even the best writer in the world could not come close to capturing their messages in an accurate way and my little excerpts cannot be compared their powerful speaking in any way. 

Dr. Ravi Zacharias:

Dr. Zacharias spoke of the four pillars that life rests on and how God has placed them there for our own benefit: eternity (existence), morality (essence), accountability (conscience), and charity or love (beneficence). 
Eternity defines our existence - According to C. S. Lewis, a man remarking on the passage of time is like a fish remarking on the color of water. A fish doesn't notice the water it swims in. Neither should a man notice time - unless he's destined for eternity. Everything we think, say, and do in this life should be viewed in the light of eternity. Otherwise life has no purpose. Eternity defines our existence. 
Morality defines our essence - Morality is not based on culture or time. It cannot be horizontal (man). Morality must be vertical (God), with an outside reference point. Its basis is the absolute nature of an unchanging God. 
Accountability represents our conscience - We need to be accountable to someone when we're alone. That someone had better not be human. People will fail us. God will not. We must be accountable before God alone.  Someone understood the Agape love Christ demonstrated on the cross. 
Charity or love allows us to demonstrate beneficence - Love is the supreme ethic. Truth is the supreme point of judgment. Lose either and you lose God. The greatest evidence of love is the cross of Jesus Christ, his atonement the heart of the gospel.

Dr. Bernice A. King:

Christians have dual citizenship because we are both citizens of this earthly world as well as citizens of the heavenly kingdom.  Dr. King says that as a part of our citizenship in the heavenly kingdom, we have a calling here on earth to be a peacemaker through love.  Using these two verses side by side; Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" and Romans 8:19, “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God”; Dr. King showed that we are the peacemakers that creation is waiting for.  And yet we Christians are too busy spreading anger, bitterness, deceit, lies, and hate that were are not spreading this peace.    And we wake up each day wondering why the world is such an awful place.  She concluded with a story that ended with this statement:  “I do not know what the correct answer is because the answer is in your hands.  The answer is in your hands.” 

The answer is in our hands. 

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